Continent Study

All throughout April we have been learning about globes, maps and continents. Ms. Lacey planned a super fun continent map art project for the kids, which we worked on on Friday, and will continue working on this coming week.


Level 1 Continent Review: Names of the 7 Continents


Level 2 Continent Review: Names of the Continents and all the Oceans


Level 3 Continent Review: Names of the Continents, the Oceans…


…and the Hemispheres


Ms. Lacey giving her Art Lesson

This coming week we will also be working on our garden plot. We need to clean it out, and prep it for the tomato and pumpkin plants that we will be planting. If anyone has gardening tools that we could borrow, we would greatly appreciate it. The more the better.

Please remember the picto-presentations are due this week. Ms. Lacey and I are excited to see the hard work that the kids invested in this last home project. I’m sure the kids are excited, too, about showing off their presentation skills.

Level 3s will have their last SAGE test (math) on Wednesday. As always, please make sure they get to bed on time, and eat healthy meals beforehand. They have been doing great during this testing process; I am so proud of all of them.

Ms. Trudy’s art class was rescheduled for Friday, May 13 because of Ms. Kaley’s theater class performances on Friday. We had several level 3s who were part of the plays, and I was happy to see some of you there. I hope you had as much fun as we did.

And lastly, there is no school on Friday, May 6!

Have a great weekend!


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