Upcoming Week

Hello Everyone,

I apologize that I have not gotten you the link to pay for your ticket if you are coming on the field trip with us on Thursday. There was a mix up with the planetarium and they are doing their best to take care of it. We are just waiting for one thing so I should be sending out the link to you tomorrow. Please watch for that.

The next home project we will be doing will be themed “I Wonder…” Your child can pick anything they want to know more about and research that and present it to the class. These will be do the week of March 14. However, as always, if your child finishes early, they are more than welcome to bring it in early and present when they are ready. I had thought of doing home projects based around the continent we are studying which is Australia, but Ms. Brittany shared this home project that she did with her class and I loved it. If your child wants to do something culturally based, that’s great. If not, really the sky is the limit.

Thanks for all your support and patience.

Take care.


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