Things Sent Home

Hello All,

I sent home to things with your students today and just wanted to make you aware of them.

One is a small flyer for the Maria Montessori Academy Open House. There will be two of these, one is for the Jr. High and the other if for Elementary. The Jr. High Parent & Student Night will be next Tuesday, January 12, from 7-8. The Parent Information Night for Early Childhood and 1st-6th will be the following Tuesday, January 19, from 7-8. Please feel free to come to one or both of these. Also, invite any neighbors, family, friends who are interested or curious about Montessori.

The second flyer is for the See’s Candy order. The money raised from this will help with the 6th grade field trip to the Red Woods. These are due back January 25 and the candy will be delivered in time for Valentine’s Day.

Thanks a bunch.


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