Field Trip and Feast


Tomorrow is our field trip to the Nutcracker. We will eat lunch before going and have snack when we get back. Please have your child dress in nice clothes. For girls this could mean a dress or skirt. If your daughter wears a nice dress, she does not need to have a collar. Boys will still need to have a collar on their shirt. If possible, a button down shirt would be nice, and if they would like to wear a tie, they can as well.

We are also having our feast this Thursday. I will have a sign up sheet on wejoinin by tomorrow, Monday, morning. The feast will start at noon and go for about an hour in the South Kiva of the school.

Next week is the International Festival. This means home projects need to be finished by next week. They will need to be on something to do with Asia. Lower el will present on Thursday afternoon. You are all invited to come and see our presentations and the others from lower el.



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