Happy Halloween

Happy Early Halloween. I hope you all have a fun and safe night.

Thank you all who were able to come and help with the Halloween party today or were able to send something to help. It was a great success and lots of fun. The kids loved it and I greatly appreciate all the help. A special shout out to our room mom and assistant room mom. They did a great job planning and putting it together. On the note of it being Halloween tomorrow, just a reminder NOT to send any candy with your child to school. Please do not even send it in there lunch.

Book reports are due next week. They can be brought in any day. As a reminder it is a cereal box book report. I will create a second post with all the info on the book report.

Don’t forget to sign up to come and volunteer in our class with reading or other things. Here is the link http://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/kgchk .

We didn’t do a lot of cultural this week but yesterday we met with Ms. Kirsten’s upper el class and did some fun Halloween themed activities. Ms. Kirsten is our mentor class this year. We put the kids into groups of 2 or 3 with at least one upper and one lower el student. One activity was having them build a small catapult to launch a candy corn pumpkin. I was with this group. It was so fun to watch them work together and see the older students taking some of the younger students ideas. They had a lot of fun and we look forward to more activities with them. The activity Kirsten was in charge of was exploding pumpkin bags. The kids drew jack-o-lantern faces on sandwich bags and mixed a “concoction” of backing soda, food coloring, and vinegar. They mixed these and quickly sealed the back and threw it on the ground. The back inflated and eventually had a small explosion. The students couldn’t stop talking about that.

There is a parent who is interested in carpooling from the Ogden area, more specifically from around 22nd street on the east end of Harrison. If anyone comes from that way and would be interested in carpooling, please let me know.

Thanks again and have a fun safe holiday.


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