Box Tops Store

Hello All,

I hope you are enjoying your weekend. What a wonderful couple of days we had this week with author Gary Hogg. He never ceases to amazing. He has such a positive outlook on life and on writing. He brought excitement to the kids and also to me. I feel a bit more prepared and excited to teach writing. Thanks to all who ordered books from him.

This Tuesday is the first box tops store of the year. Your child can purchase small school supplies if they bring box tops. Every five box tops will get them one ticket. If you send box tops, please make sure they are not expired and that they are cut out nicely along the edges. If they are not, your child will have to cut them before they can trade them in. Our wonderful parent volunteers cannot be expected to cut all of the box tops out themselves, so lets help them.

Please do not send something in your child’s lunch that will require them to heat it up for more than one minute. We have one microwave and 29 students in our room. Not all students bring something to heat up, but on average five or more students do. It helps the whole class out to only need short heat up times. If your child does bring something like a TV dinner that takes more than a minute to heat up, we will ask them to wait until everyone else is done with the microwave and to eat the other things in their lunch while they are waiting.

Also a reminder about dress code: Skirts/jumpers/shorts must be pleated or straight and the hemline should fall below the fingertips when are are extended down the sides of the body. Leggings must be worn with skirts/dresses. Tights/hose/leggings must be solid colors only. Legging may ONLY be worn under skirts/dresses/skorts.
This is taken directly from the school dress code hand book. We have only had a few students out of dress code a couple of times. We have let it go so far, but this week we will give the student one reminder and the next time they are out of dress code we will have to fill out a dress code report.

Thanks for all you do and enjoy the rest of your weekend.


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