Good Bye for the Summer

Hello All,

This will be my last post for this school year. What a great year it has truly been! I know that a huge part of the success we had this year was due to all of you and your support. How blessed we were to have such supportive and amazing parents. Words cannot express my gratitude to each one of you. It has been a magnificent year, and although I look forward to the summer, I am also sad to see this year end. I will miss those students who will not be returning to our class next year, but I know they will all have great success wherever this next school year takes them. I am excited for the next year and the students we have returning and the new students we will add to our classroom family.

For those returning, I will have a classroom supply list up and ready by the first of July. This is a couple months away but something to put on your calendar is the school pool party at North Shore. It will be the evening of Tuesday, August 4. More info for this will come as it gets closer.

Again I want to express my gratitude to each one of you and let you know of the love I have for your children. Our class and my life would not be complete without having them here.

Have a restful and fun summer.

Take care,

Ms. Jalee

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