Welcome Back


Welcome back from spring break. I hope you all enjoyed the time off with your children.

Reminder that home projects are due this week.

The fundraiser for our classrooms went home today. Your child brought home a green bag with their artwork and the order information. If you choose to order something with your child’s art one it, please send the order form, the artwork, and a check to MMA back to school by next Monday. You can also order something with other children’s art on it. Some kids said they wanted to order something with the picture I made on it. I told the students I would leave that choice to you. I will not be offended in the least if you do not order something with my picture. If you want something with mine, let me know and I will send home another order form for it. All proceeds for this fundraiser go to our classroom so we can use the money specifically for us.

We will be doing a service project with Ms. Nicoletta’s class next Friday. We need glass jars for it. If you have some you can donate please send them. They can be mason jars, pickle jars, etc. They just need to be glass. Thanks.

Thanks for all you do.


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