Oh my goodness, yesterday was amazing. The feast was such a success and that is all because of you. Thank you all so much for donating goods and your time and spirits! I have always thought that our classroom was blessed with supportive and wonderful parents and yesterday just confirmed that. What an amazing turn out. ThankĀ  you all so much. It would not have been a success without you. And thank you to everyone who was able to make it to the presentation. The students all worked so hard on learning the song and making their books. Thank you for your support. How truly blessed we are as a class.

Don’t forget tomorrow is the International Festival for Lower El. It will be from 1-2:30. Our class will be presenting their projects and also have the opportunity to visit other classrooms and see their presentations. Many students have already brought in their presentations. If your child hasn’t, please remember to send it tomorrow.

We have a half day on Friday and then our Holiday Break starts. We will come back to school January 5, 2015.

For anyone who wants to give Ms. Marleen a gift please send it tomorrow because she does not come in on Fridays.

Thanks again for everything. Our classroom and our school are a success because of wonderful parents like you.


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