Last School Week of the Year

Can you believe it? It is already the last school week of 2014. Time is flying by.

Some big things happening this week. First is the Holiday Feast. That will be on Tuesday from 12 to 1:30ish. You are all welcome to come. We will be eating and then the kids have been working on small presentations. We will then be joined by Ms. Nicoletta’s class in singing a special song we have learned and presenting you with something we have been working on with her class. Thank you to everyone who signed up to bring something. There are still many opening for anyone who wants to contribute. The sign up page is If you wanted to contribute something but the sign up is full, please feel free to contribute it anyway. It’s better to have too much food than not enough. If you are donating something and cannot make it to the feast, feel free to send it with your child that morning. We have refrigerators to keep it cool and even an oven and microwaves to heat things up. I am so excited for this. For anyone who wants to come a little early and help set up, I will be starting to set up between 11:30 and 11:40.

This week is also the International Festival. Upper El is the morning of this Wednesday and Lower El is Thursday afternoon from 1-2:30. Please feel free to come and bring your family to see all the hard work our kids put into their projects. Along with that, your child’s home project will need to be at school by Thursday or they will not be able to present it at the festival.

Friday is an early out day due to the holidays. Please arrange for your child to be picked up at 1. We will not have school again until Monday, January 5, 2015.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


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