Montessori Materials Night

Hello Everyone,

I hope you have all enjoyed your weekend and are loving this fall weather. I know I am. It is my favorite time of year.

We have a fun, full week this week. Tuesday we have a young author named Mckenzie Wagner coming to visit our school. She is 13 years old and we be doing an assembly for our students.

We also have the author Gary Hogg coming to do small workshops with the kids on Friday. Tomorrow I will be sending home a flier with information about Gary’s books. If you choose to buy some, he will take some time Friday to sign the copies you buy.
Both of these are great opportunities for the students in writing.

Wednesday is our Get Down and Dirty with Montessori Materials night. All the information on this is in the post prior to this one. Remember it is an adults only night. We would love to see you all there.

Don’t forget that Friday is an early out day. Please make sure your child is picked up at 1 that day.

Enjoy the rest of your night.


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