
Good Rainy Saturday,

Don’t forget, home projects are due this week. Your child can bring them in anytime to present.

We had our first box tops store this week. Students who brought in box tops were able to trade them in for tickets to purchase small things like pencils, notepads, erasers, etc. The next box top store will be October 22. Start saving now. It is a fun thing for your child to do and helps our school raise money. If you want to send in the box tops before the 22, I will put your child’s name on them and keep them in my desk in my office until then.

Parent teacher conferences will be coming up in 2 weeks. They will be Monday, October 13, Tuesday, October 14, and Wednesday, October 15 from 1:40 to 7.  These will be half days for the kids and we will get out at 1 pm. We will then have no school for Thursday and Friday the 16 and 17 due to fall break. I would love to meet with you all. I will have a sign up sheet on wejoinin early next week.

We will be going to Black Island Farms for a field trip October 23. I will have more information for you on that soon.

The Fall Festival will be Friday, October 24.  This is when you and your family can come to the school dressed for Halloween and participate in games and other activities to help raise money for the 6th grade field trip.

Hope you all have a wonderful rest of the weekend.


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