Past Week 4 Already

Hello All,

Big news of the day, Ms. Marleen and I walked the 5k this morning to help raise money for the red woods. But more exciting then that, Dallin ran it in just over 19 minutes. Way to go! It was a lot of fun. Thanks to all who could come help support the 6 graders.

5k pic

As many of you may have heard there is a pretty aggressive virus going around called enterovirus. I have posted information about it at the top of the page. We are constantly giving lessons and working with the children to keep their hands washed and not spread germs. Please help us in this endeavor by giving reminders at home as well.

Home projects are due in two weeks, the week of the 29. It is a presentation on a talent, hobby or something the students likes. This will help us get to know them better.

We had a great time making solar ovens with Ms. Nicoletta’s class. Thank you to all who were able to donate things for this. There will be pictures posted as soon as we get back all the photo release forms.

On that note, I sent home a photo release form on Thursday that you will need to sign and return. It is printed on green paper. I also sent home a letter with information on Montessori Compass. Montessori Compass is the way we will be keeping our records this year. The letter sent home was a brief explanation of it and how to log on as a parent. Please let me know if you need another.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

Ms. Jalee

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