Welcome September


I am excited for this next week of school and I know a lot of students are as well. We will be starting our morning workcycle and afternoon cultural lessons. We will start off with the goal of 3 or 4 works a day and gradually move up to 6 a day. We will also be doing some further extensions to the great lessons. In cultural this week we will be doing History.

Don’t forge to register for the 5K Run for the Redwoods. This will be in 2 weeks on September 13. If you don’t want to participate, please come and help out and show your support.

This coming Thursday the 4th is back to school night. It will be from 6:30 to 7:30. I will be having an open house style back to school night so you can visit other classrooms if need be. Please stop in and see what your child has prepared and chat with me. Due to the need to be able to talk to many parents if needed, I will ask that any conversations we have be limited to about 5 minutes. If we need to talk longer, I am more than willing to set up a meeting with you.

Since we areĀ a charter school, we do not have our own busses to take us to field trips. For that reason we have to either pay for a bus, which is quite expensive, use public transportation if possible or use parent drivers. In order for me to be involved in putting together car pool lists to make sure all students have ride, we need certified drivers. The more we have the better. During back to school night there will be an opportunity for you to become a certified driver. Please see this cite for more information on that: http://www.mariamontessoriacademy.org/?page_id=118 I know we are all busy with many things but if you can become a certified driver and can help with field trips, that would be great. I will let you know as far ahead of time when we are having field trips so you can plan early.

Please check out the link to the right about the cosmic education.

I hope you have all enjoyed your weekend so far. Don’t forget that we don’t have school tomorrow, September 1, do to Labor Day. Enjoy the long weekend.

Ms. Jalee


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