
Hello Everyone,

We had a wonderful week of school this past week. The kids were amazing. They all settled into working and remembered to use their best grace and courtesy. We did small reminders and reviews of grace and courtesy and will continue to do so. However, Ms. Tiffany and I were very impressed with how hard all the students worked not just on their works, but also on being kind to each other and respectful to all. Thank you for all you support and care for your kids. We know they are amazing in large part because of their amazing parents, so thank you.

I was happy to see some of you at the meet the director last Friday. If you have not had the chance to meet Mr. Mike, I would encourage you to come to another school event and find a time to meet him. He is truly wonderful and cares about our school and students already. We are excited to have him at our school.

Please take the time to read the last blog post/email about our home projects due the week of February 3rd. I will send a hand out home this week with the specific date your child will be presenting to our class and complete details about the projects.

A few things to look forward to, we will not have school Monday, January 20, in celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Also, the annual Chili Cook Off will be Thursday, January 30. Start thinking about what chili you might want to enter into the cook off.

If you didn’t hear from your child, I am having a little boy. We are excited to add a second son to our family.

Finally, just a reminder that it is still winder and we are expecting more snow this weekend into next. Please make sure your child is dressed for the weather. We will be going outside to recess everyday. Snow boots, coats, and gloves are advised and any other clothing to help keep the kids warm.

Thanks for all you do!


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