Week 4

Hello All,

We are at week four of school. I cannot believe how fast it has gone. It has been so fun getting to know all the new kiddos. We have such a wonderful class! We had P.E. and music this past week. Ms. Julia, the P.E. teacher, said our class was so well behaved and she was so impressed with our class. I love them all!

This week for our great lesson, we will be talking about the coming of man. We will be discussing many different theories about how man came about including the belief of a god and Adam and Eve, evolution, many Native American beliefs, and beliefs from other countries. Again, we strongly stress the meaning of a theory and that the most important theory for the students to consider is the one taught at home. We will not go into depth with all these theories, just touch on them and talk about them. We do this to help spark students curiosity and wonder. Again, if you have questions of concerns, please let me know.

The main thing we have coming up is our field trip next Friday the 21st. We will be going to Weber State University for a dance performance at 12:30. We are still in need of drivers. I have heard from 9 parents that they will either just be driving their own child or their child and others. I will assume that if I have not heard from you, your child needs a ride to and from. We will be leaving the school at 11:45 and the performance will be over around 1:30 at which time we will return to the school. We also have a few more tickets for parents who would like to join us. I will be sending home field trip slips on Monday. Please send them back ASAP. I will also include them on the blog.

We will also be going to Green Acres Dairy Farm in West Weber for an all day field trip on Tuesday, October 9. We will be needing chaperones and drivers for this field trip. Parents are free, if a younger or older sibling comes, they will be $4. Also, pumpkins are not included in this field trip. However, if your child wants to purchase one, they are $1 or $2 if you want to send them with that. I will have more info at a closer date.

Thank you all for what you do!


’17-’18 Fieldtrip Cover Letter    (you keep this)

’17-’18 Fieldtrip Permission Form    (please initial and sign this and send it back)



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