Hill Aerospace Field Trip

Hello Everyone!

I hope you are all enjoying your spring break. I will have another blog update Saturday night. On this one I wanted to focus on the upcoming field trip that is a week from Friday. We will be going to Hill Aerospace Museum in Roy. We need parents who are able to transport students to and from. We will be leaving the school to get to the museum at about 9:30 and leaving the museum to come back to the school at 1 p.m. If you are able to transport students to and from, please email me ASAP with the number of kids you can take. We would also love chaperones to join us. It is free for the kids and parents. Please email me ASAP if you would be able to chaperone and attend the field trip. I would like to have a sign up for rides ready by Monday night. If you can take your own child to and from the field trip, please let me know that as well.

I am also going to attach the field trip permission form and the cover letter with all the information on it. I will also send these home Monday. You can either print them out and send the permission form back or just wait for the one I send home. Either way, I need these no later than Wednesday.  The permission slip also has the Clark Planetarium and Children’s Museum on it. You can initial and sign for that field trip now. Please initial next to the field trip and sign at the bottom.

I will be asking about chaperones for the planetarium and children’s museum field trip next week so be watching for that.

Thanks, and enjoy the rest of your break.


’16-’17 Fieldtrip Permission Form

Cover letter Jalee

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