Spring is Coming

Hello All,

Spring is coming and so is spring break and somehow, the kids know it and it shows :). What an adventure teaching can be. In all seriousness, though, I love it and I love the kids. Even when things are rough, I feel that there is no better calling.

We have truly had an amazing week. Tuesday was a bit chaotic, but the kids rolled with it and did good work. Ms. Karen came in and did concrete poems with the kids. They were all so good. We have some really talented writers in our class. We have been learning about geography this week. Level ones are learning about maps and features on our earth. Level 2s get to study rocks, one of my favorite subjects. Level 3s are learning about the water cycle and precipitation. Today I gave them all a lesson on geysers and we set off Diet Coke and Mentos geysers outside. We also did measuring and graphing with paper airplanes today and graphing with Lucky Charms.

Don’t forge that the week of April 1st we do not have school. We will be off for Spring Break the whole week.

The artist home projects are due this week if you are able to get them in. We are excited to learn about artists and the the pieces that the students have created.

We are also happy to report that Humphrey is all healed up and adapted nicely to only having 3 legs. We are looking for someone to take the hamsters home over spring break. If you are able and willing to, please let me know. It will be a first come basis.

Thanks for all you do!


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