Short Week

Hello All,

Don’t forget this week is a short week. We do not have school tomorrow, Monday the 19th. The teachers have a professional development day so you kids can enjoy the day off.

Last night was the Gala. It was wonderful. There were some great prizes and the art work was wonderful. I enjoyed seeing a couple of you and having bidding wars with you :). Thank you to those who were able to come!

Spring break is coming up. It will be the first week of April. We have our field trip to the Aerospace museum coming up on Friday, April 13. I will be sending out permission slips next week. If you are able to come, please email me and include if you would be able to transport students to and from and how many you could take. I would like to get a sign up sheet for rides ready by next week. We also have our trip to Discovery Gateway and Clark Planetarium Thursday, April 26. I will be asking about chaperones for that when it gets a bit closer.

Home projects are due the week after this week. That is the week of March 26th. Our home project for this month will be an artist study on an artist of your child’s choice. We have been studying some artists and creating art based on the artist’s work in preparation for this. As part of this home project, your child should learn information like when the artist was born and died (if applicable), where they are from, the type of art they create/d, any facts they find, some names and examples of their art, and your child needs to create a piece of artwork based on or inspired by that artist’s work. If possible I would love for the art to be done on a piece of canvas, it can be small. I want to display these art pieces in the classroom through the end of the year. Then I will let the children decide if they want to take the art home or donate it to the class. The artist does not have to be one we have studied or even a well known one. The piece of art can be done according to your child’s interpretation and desire. It does not have to look exactly like a piece done by the artist or be the exact same medium. I want the kids to have fun with this and explore their artistic side.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


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