Happy Weekend All,

I cannot believe that it is almost February. On top of that, we will reach our 100th day of school this coming Wednesday. To celebrate this we will be doing some 100th day activities and writing. We will also be learning about Ground Hog Day and making predictions and a graph about whether or not the ground hog will see it’s shadow.

If your child has not presented their home project on their author study, that should be brought in to be presented this week. This will basically be a short biography on an author of your child’s choice. Your child will need to pick an author from a book or series of books they like. They will need to learn some things about this author such as:
Birth date
Death date (if applicable)
Where they were born and/or raised or lived
Their first book published and when it was published
Number of books they have written
The type of writing they do (fiction, non fiction, fantasy, picture books)
Any other fun facts you learn about them
Your child can present this to the class in whatever way they would like (poster board, PowerPoint, dress up as the author, etc.)

In class we have been reading the book, The World According to Humphrey. This is about a hamster that is a class pet and the world seen through his eyes. The kids have loved listening to this book. Reading this book has also got me thinking of adding to our class pets and getting a hamster. Before I go buy all the supplies, I wanted to ask if any of you have an old hamster cage that you would be willing to donate to the class for our new class pet. If not, I am happy to go buy what we need.

The Jr. High is looking for single bud vases for their valentines fundraiser. I you have any to donate they would really appreciate it!  (There are collection boxes just through the front door).

Also, the Chili Cook off is coming soon.  It is the 31st at 5:30 to 7:00 and it cost $5 per person children under 5 eat free.  You can enter your own chili (if you dare!)  by going to Chili sign up.

I will have the parent teacher sign ups ready this week and send them out ASAP.

Thanks for all you do!


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