Talent Show

Hello All,

I apologize that this is so short notice. We will be doing a class talent show with Ms. Kirsten’s class this Friday afternoon. I will get the exact times to you tomorrow. As I said, I realize this is short notice, but if you child would like to perform something in the talent show, like a piano piece they have practiced or a dance or song they already know, please have your child tell me now later than Thursday. We will not be allowing students to just go up Friday afternoon without prior notice. If they are not comfortable getting up and performing, we will have a table for them to display pieces of art they may be proud of. Again, I apologize that this is late notice. This is something we have had planned and it totally skipped my mind.

Also, you need to have your intent to return stated by this Friday, the 19th. You should have all received an email about this last week. I love all of your children and hope that even if they are moving on to upper el next year, they will be returning to continue their Montessori Education.

Thank you all!


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