Author Study Home Project

Happy Saturday!

I hope you are all enjoying the snow/rain that we are getting. Hopefully the weather will help clean out the air.

This month our home project will be an author study. This will basically be a short autobiography on an author of your child’s choice. Your child will need to pick an author from a book or series of books they like. They will need to learn some things about this author such as:     Birth date
Death date (if applicable)
Where they were born and/or raised or lived
Their first book published and when it was published
Number of books they have written
The type of writing they do (fiction, non fiction, fantasy, picture books)
Any other fun facts you learn about them

Your child can present this to the class in whatever way they would like (poster board, PowerPoint, dress up as the author, etc.) These projects will be turned in to be presented the week of January 29th. If their project is done sooner, they can bring it in to present before that week.

We do not have school this coming Friday, January 12. It is a professional development day for teachers. We also will not have school Monday, January 15, because of Martin Luther King Jr. day.

We have P.E. Mondays, so if your child wears boots to school, please send some good running shoes for P.E. with them.

Thanks for all you do!


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