Happy Thanksgiving

Hello All,

What a busy, crazy week, but still a great one. Thank you to anyone who was able to help with the community gratitude feast. Our class was able to work with Ms. Kirsten’s class on thank you cards and then we made some place mats. Today we got together with Ms. Marleen’s class to make some gratitude wreaths. It was loud with almost 60 kids but a lot of fun working with them all. I wanted to take some pictures but I got distracted working with the kids.

In the next couple of days there will be a wejoinin page set up for rides to the Nutcracker ballet. Please watch for that and sign your child up for a ride if they need a ride.

We do not have school all week next week for Thanksgiving break. I hope you all have a wonderful time with your family and have a safe holiday. I will have another blog post next week before we come back.



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