Two Weeks

First thing I want to say is Happy Mother’s Day to all you moms. Thank you for all you do. I am so grateful for supportive moms and dads and appreciate all you do.

Can you believe it?! We only have two weeks of school left and they are going to be busy.

Next week is spirit week where everyday the kids can dress up based on the theme of that day.
Monday is crazy hair/hat day.
Tuesday is crazy sock day.
Wednesday is mix and match day.
Thursday is P.J. day.
Friday is dress down day. (no logos)

Level 3s will be taking their final end of year Sage test Monday morning. It is the English, Language Arts portion.

Next Tuesday is also the last box tops store of this school year. Don’t forget to send your child with box tops.

Level 3s will have their end of year/Sage party on Thursday afternoon.

Friday morning we will be having our annual field day. Please have your child wear shoes they can run around and be comfortable in outside. Also, if the day calls for sun, I would advise having them put on sunscreen before school that day.

The week of the 22nd will be all early out days, Monday – Friday. Please plan on your child being picked up at 1 p.m. Monday the 22, Tuesday the 23, and Wednesday the 24, will also be parent teacher conferences. They will go from 1:40 to 7 p.m. and will mainly be student led. Please plan on having your child with you to present some of the work we have been doing. These days will also be the days of the book fair. Level 3 bridging will be the morning of the 24th.

Our last day of school will be Friday the 26th. This will be the day for yearbook signing and the annual teachers vs 6th grade kickball game.



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