April is Here

Happy April Everyone,

I hope you all had a wonderful Spring Break, whether it was on a trip or just staying home.

We will be having our field trip to Discovery Gateway Museum on Wednesday, April 26. We will be taking the Frontrunner there. We love when parents are able to come with us. Please email me and let me know if you will be joining us. Parents will not have to pay to get into the museum, just for the train. Our field trip funds will pay for the students to go to the museum and we will get free wristbands for the train. I will have the schedule for the train later in the week.

Our last home project of the year will be a mini science fair. I have never done this before with the class so I am going to be talking to Ms. Kaley who has done it with her class and I will be posting about that later this week. Level 3s do not need to worry about this, because they have been working on a science project with Ms. Kaley already on studio Fridays. They will be presenting theirs this Friday. In case the letter from her did not make it home, I will send it in email form later tonight.

The students who will be sharing their favorite books this week are Kaitlyn, Ethan, Sebastian, Jeremy. They can bring a picture book that they can either read to the class, or I will read it if they choose.

One last note: our class pictures came with the rest of the school’s. However, one of our students was pictured twice, Ms. SarahJo was right in the middle of the class, and one student was not pictured, so we sent them back to be fixed. When they came back a couple weeks ago, there was still a student missing. We have sent them back yet again and hope they will be fixed this time. Thank you for your patience.

Can’t wait to see all the kids tomorrow.




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