A Few Things

Hello All,

I hope you enjoyed your long weekend. Just a few things…

I sent home word sorts with the kids today. Please have them cut them out and sort them. They should also write them  a couple times during the week. We also play games with them in class.

Next week is the spelling bee. Each class is to select their two top spellers for the lower el spelling bee. We will be doing a spelling bee in our class Friday for anyone who wants to participate. The top two will participate in the spelling bee that is next Tuesday. Next week is also Literacy Week. We will be having Literacy Night for the parents next Thursday. I will have more info on that soon.

Since we don’t have a cafeteria program at school, all the students have to bring a lunch from home. We have 30 students in our class and 1 microwave. On average we have about 10 students who need to heat something up for lunch. This is usually not a problem when the things that need heated up only take 30 seconds or so. However, lately students have been bringing things that need to be heated up anywhere from 3 1/2 minutes to 5 or more. Heating up things is taking up most of the students’ lunch and many don’t even get to eat what they heat up until 5 minutes are left of lunch. I have spent many lunches heating up all the students’ food so they can eat everything else they have and I am left with very little time to eat. Because of this, we are going to have the microwave rule that every student gets 1 minute to heat things up. Regardless of what they bring, the limit is now 1 minute tops. If a student chooses to bring something like mac-n-cheese, they will still get 1 minute. I know that it is easy to throw things like mac-n-cheese in their lunches; however, this is eating up a lot of lunch time. One suggestion for packing lunches, is make their lunch the night before and even pack it then. You can also make the mac-n-cheese the night before and then it just needs heated up.

Thank you for your support in this.

Take care.


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