Class Picture

Hello All,

How about that snow we are getting? Crazy. I hope you are all saying safe and warm.

We have our group class picture tomorrow. If at all possible, please make sure your child is there. We will be doing it at 9 a.m.

Just a reminder that we have P.E. tomorrow. Please make sure your child has tennis shoes or good shoes for running and being active in. If they wear snow boots, please put some tennis shoes in their bag. Thank you.

For the 100th day of school later this week we will be doing some art things with Ms. SarahJo. For this the students will need a white t-shirt they can paint on. If you have an old one or something they can bring, that would be great. I don’t think it necessarily needs to be a white shirt, but a light colored one. A few things on it would be fine I am sure.

Be safe and warm.


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