Happy Holidays

Hello Everyone!

I hope you have all had a wonderful break so far and that everyone is getting rested and healthy. I apologize that this is my first post since we had the break. Between visiting family, the holidays, and strep running through my family, time has flown and I have not taken the time to post.

THANK YOU all so much for your wonderful gifts and support! We truly have great parents and amazing children in our class. Thank you.

Thank you for all your help and support with the International Festival. I hope many of you were able to attend upper and lower el’s. Unfortunately I missed both as I was out with strep and then both my kids were as well. I heard great things about the festivals though. Thank you again for your help and support in this area.

Just a reminder that we will not have school until next week, January 4, 2017 on Wednesday. We will also be having a field trip to the Ogden Nature Center on Wednesday, January 11. This will be a half day field trip with Ms. Kaley’s class and children will either need transported to and from by you, or carpool with another parent. I will be providing more details soon. I just wanted to give you a heads up about this now.

I hope you all continue to have a fun safe holiday break.



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