International Festival

Good Evening,

Thank you for all your support this week. Things in the classroom have gotten better. Ms. SarahJo and I know that it is not just the fault of the children when things go wrong or something happens. that negatively affects our classroom. We realize that we also have room to grow and help create positivity in the dynamics of our classroom. This is something that together we will be discussing and working on to help make our classroom a more peaceful place where the children love to be. We also want to strengthen our relationships with all the children.

Monday and Tuesday are the last two days of school before we have Winter Break. These two days are also the international festival. Upper el will have their international festival on Monday from 9-11. Lower el will have theirs on Tuesday from 1 – 2:30. During these time, Jr. High will also be having their international festival.

Please have the home projects here by Monday if possible. We have had many present to our class already and they have all been wonderful. We will continue with other presentation on Monday and Tuesday if necessary.

Enjoy your strange weathered weekend.


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