Welcome November

Good Afternoon,

First of all, thank you to everyone that was able to come on the field trips with us. And thank you to everyone for your support and help with them. We had a great time on both. What a crazy week, but we don’t have another field trip until January.

Monday is Halloween and we do have school. We will be having our Halloween party Monday afternoon from 1 to 2:30. If you want to sign up to help here is the sign-up sheet website https://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/vomly. Just a reminder that the kids DO NOT dress up in costumes Monday. School uniform is still required. I know that a lot of the kids will be going out trick or treating Monday night, but please DO NOT send candy to school with your kids. This includes in their lunch. Also, this is probably an unnecessary reminder, but please practice safe trick or treat habits Monday night with your children.

I am so excited to share that instead of doing cultural works Thursday afternoon, we will be doing art with Ms. SarahJo. She has a great talent in art and is going to be doing lessons Thursday and I will do the cultural I usually do then Friday afternoon. I will include pictures of our artworks in future posts.

This past week was also Red Ribbon Week. We created jack-o-lanterns to decorate our door for drug free week. We didn’t win the pizza party for best door, but Ms. Stephanie said it was very close and very hard to judge all the doors because they were all so good.

I also sent home the original works papers. These are now available to order online so you don’t have to send a check to school. You can order things like shirts, notecards, bags, etc. with your child’s artwork on it. The proceeds from this go directly to our classroom. We are using money from past original works to go on more field trips this year. Please support our classroom and your child’s beautiful work, if you can.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


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