Almost October


Can you believe it’s almost October already? And can you believe the weather we had this last week? I am very excited for the Fall weather. I love the colors and the feeling in the air.

We will continue doing the food drive through this week. Also, home projects are due in the next two weeks. Your child can bring it in any day and present it. If it is a power point, I need a couple days notice so I can reserve a projector. For more information on the home projects, please see last week’s post. We will be having parent teacher conferences in about three weeks. They will be Monday – Wednesday, October 17, 18, 19. I will have a sign up for this soon.

We were unable to go outside to recess Friday so we had recess in the classroom. Ms. Marleen brought a small parachute that we played with. We used this and a large ball to practice self control and understanding where our bodies are and how they are moving.

Since we are studying North America until January, we did state research in small groups Friday as well. We also had a small lesson on thunderstorms and tornadoes. In cultural we were focusing on Geography. Level 1s learned about lines of longitude and latitude; level 2s learned about the layers of the earth; and level 3s learned about the atmosphere.

Thursday was the International Day of Peace. We all met outside and sang our song, “Light a Candle for Peace.” It was amazing and wonderful. 20160921_094756_resized 20160921_094754_resized

We are continuing to use things from our garden in our classroom.  For snack one day we. had cucumbers that we harvested

Thank you everyone for your support.


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