Thank You!

I cannot believe that the school year is over already. At the beginning of the year I never thought March would come and I would be on maternity leave, but it did. The year just flew by after that.

I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone for an amazing year. Thank you for your support, love, care, and for allowing Ms. Marleen and I to work with your amazing children. What love we have for them! We made so many great memories and great growth in all areas. I especially want to thank everyone for your thoughts and care with the coming of Sawyer. It is definitely something new and unexpected when you have a child born with Down Syndrome, but we love him and are so excited to see what the future brings. I am especially grateful to you all for the support you gave to Ms. Marleen while I was gone. While I was out, I had no worries about her abilities and knew your children would be well taken care of and taught.  Thank you all for that. I also want to thank Ms. Lacey for coming in and for her help while I was out.

We will miss all the kiddos over the summer and look forward to seeing them in August. I will miss the level 3s! I know they will all do great things in their upper el classes. I hope their new teachers know what amazing children thy will be adding to their communities. Those who will not be returning to our school next year will also be missed, but our love goes with them. We are excited for the time we have with our continuing students and with the new ones coming in.

I love our school and our class and cannot wait for another year to start, even though Summer break is always good.

Best wishes to you all and have an amazing Summer!

Much love,

Ms. Jalee

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