Literacy Week

Hello Everyone,

We are so excited for literacy week next week! We have many fun things planned throughout the week to help the kids get excited about reading.
On Monday we will be having a school wide read-a-thon from 1:30 to 2:30. Students should bring some of their favorite books to read and share with friends during the read-a-thon. Students should not bring blankets, pillows, or stuffed animals for this.
Also on Monday, students should bring a copy of the cover of their favorite book, or a copy of their favorite book. We want them to share what it is to the class and tell why they love it. We will then hang the covers outside our classroom for others to see.
Tuesday is our school wide spelling bee. Not all our students chose to participate in our class spelling bee, but those who did were amazing and did an awesome job. We are proud of them all and hope they are also proud of themselves. We do want to say congratulations to Ari and Christian from our class who will be representing our class in the school spelling bee. The school spelling bee will be Tuesday, February 25, at 9:30 in the addition gym. All are invited to come and support.
Literacy night will be Thursday, February 27 from 5:30 to 7:00. All are invited to attend. You can even come dressed up as your favorite book character. There are many different classrooms and areas in the school for you to visit and participate in activities and works. There will also be a Scholastic book fair in the library. I am not sure on the hours for this throughout the week, but I do know for sure it will be open during Literacy night.
We will wrap up literacy week by having community readers on Friday. If any of you or your family members are interested in a reading a favorite children’s book to our class, please email me and let me know so we can set something up.
Two things that will be happening all week next week, are the book swap and star hanging. For the book swap, students can bring any book they are not reading or wanting anymore and put in on one of the many tables that will be around the school. They can then pick a different book from the table. For the star hanging, students will be able to hang a star on a large black paper that will be hanging in the halls. When they finish a book or a chapter of a book, they can write the name of the book and their name on the star and hang it up. For those still learning to read, we encourage parents to read with them so they can hang stars also.

Don’t forget to purchase your tickets for the GALA. Please see the previous blog post for more info on where to buy the tickets. You can also donate money to help get things for the silent auction baskets. We would also love any donations for our basket you might have. Our basket theme is family fitness. You can donate things like jump ropes, balls, water bottles, etc. MAPA is also looking for any baskets you might be willing to donate to put these objects in.
The next MAPA meeting will be the night of Thursday, March 5, at 5:30. They will be putting the baskets together this night so we need all things by then. You can attend this meeting if you would like and help and offer suggestions ideas.

I hope you have all enjoyed the sunny weather we are getting and enjoy your weekend. Thanks for all you do!


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