No School Monday

Hello All,

Thank you to everyone who was able to come and help with the Valentine party or were able to donate something. The kids had a great time and so did the teachers 🙂 Thank you all for being so supportive and loving of your children. We are only able to do fun things like our Valentine party because of your support. So thank you all so much!

Just a reminder that we do not have school this Monday, February 17, in celebration of President’s Day.

Since we had so many friends out today, we will be doing our class spelling bee this coming Wednesday. All kids are encouraged to participate. However, only level 3s will be eligible for the school bee.

Literacy week will be the week of February 24. In celebration of this, we want all students to share with us about their favorite book. To do this we are asking that everyone bring a picture of the cover of their favorite book. This can either be printed, copied, or drawn. We would love to have the book covers shared this coming week so they can be displayed throughout the week of Literacy week. Please help your child get a picture of their favorite book cover and help prepare them to share a bit about the book and why they love it.

Don’t forget, Literacy Night is Thursday, February 27. All are invited to come and celebrate. There will also be a book fair.

The annual MMA GALA is coming up in just over a month. Tickets will go on sale shortly. This is one of our biggest fundraisers for the school and a lot of fun. This year it will be held at the Timbermine Lodge. So not only will you be with good company but also get good food. If you are able, I would encourage you to attend. This is for adults only and is a fun night out. Please watch for more info on the tickets. As part of this our class has been asked to put together a basket for the silent auction. Our classes basket is family fitness. Some ideas include but are not limited to work out balls, bungee cables, weights, jump ropes, water bottles, games, etc. You can send any of these items to the school with your child and I will take care of them. Also, if you have baskets you are not using and would be willing to donate for the GALA, you can send them as well.

Please check TrackitForward for opportunities to help with after school programs. We need more volunteers, and if we cannot get them, we cannot have the wonderful programs. The next MAPA meeting will be Thursday, March 5th at 5:30 for anyone who would like to share input and ideas with our wonderful committee.

As always, thank you for all you do!


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