Labor Day Week

Hello All,

Just a reminder that we do not have school this coming Monday, September 3, due to Labor Day.

We started work cycle this week. I am working on giving small group and individual lessons to the students so that they will be able to do more works independently. We also started our Great Lessons. These Great Lessons are The Birth of the Universe, The Coming of  Life, The Coming of Man, History of Language, and History of Math. These lessons are designed to spark the children’s curiosity and wonder. Since we are a lower elementary classroom, we do not dig super deep into all these areas. We teach the children about theories and share with them that these great lessons are theories and may or may not be true, and that they are someone’s best guess. We invite the children to share their theories, and stress that the most important theory for them is the one taught in their homes. If you have any questions about The Great Lessons please feel free to email me. You can also visit this cite for more info.

We are still looking for a room parent for our classroom. Please let me know if you are interested or would like to co-parent with someone.

We have a field trip to Weber State coming up on Friday, September 21. I have still only heard from 3 parents about their child concerning transportation. If you are available to give rides to this field trip, we will leave the school probably at 11:45 a.m., please let me know ASAP. Also, if you are available to stay for the field trip as a chaperone, please let me know. If you can take your own child, please let me know. I need to know as soon as possible so I know if we can attend the field trip.

We start music and P.E. this week. Our day for these is on Wednesday this year. Please make sure your child has good tennis shoes that are comfortable for running in on Wednesdays so they can safely participate in P.E.

Thank you for all your support. It has been an amazing school year so far.


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