Hello Everyone,

I apologize that I didn’t ever really get a real post last week. I will make up for it in this one and fill in anything from Literacy Week that I wanted to share.

Literacy week was awesome. We read some good books, decorated our door based on our class’s new favorite book series, Adventures of Humphrey, had an awesome spelling bee, and Literacy night was amazing. We were busy in our classroom with the theme, Dr. Seuss, most of the night. Thank you to everyone who was able to come and support us in this. Of all the years we have had Literacy Night, this year has been my favorite, our literacy team did an amazing job! A huge congratulations to Cody, Landon, and Bently who represented our class in the spelling bee. They all did amazing and we are all very proud of them.We also had a read-a-thon at the end of the day Friday. I will include pictures of that in a separate post.

We were also able to have some ladies come from the 4H STEM team to teach us some fun science. They talked to us about building and structures and what what planning needs to go into building bridges and all buildings, like if it is earthquake safe or near water. The students were then able to create their own structures using what they learned and test them on an earthquake simulator. I will include pictures of this as well.

We are excited to welcome our new class hamster, Harvey. We now have 2 hamsters. There was a small mishap with Humphrey and a pet dog last weekend. She is okay, but did lose a back leg. She is happy and running around her cage and is healing well. The parent and student who took her home decided to give us another hamster as well. We love them both and Harvey went home with someone this weekend but we are going to hold off on sending Humphrey home again until she is completely healed.

We have had some amazing “I Wonder” home projects. If you child has not brought theirs in yet, they can bring it in as soon as they are done. Our home project for this month will be an artist study on an artist of your child’s choice. We have been studying some artists and creating art based on the artist’s work in preparation for this. As part of this home project, your child should learn information like when the artist was born and died (if applicable), where they are from, the type of art they create/d, any facts they find, some names and examples of their art, and your child needs to create a piece of artwork based on or inspired by that artist’s work. If possible I would love for the art to be done on a piece of canvas, it can be small. I want to display these art pieces in the classroom through the end of the year. Then I will let the children decide if they want to take the art home or donate it to the class. The artist does not have to be one we have studied or even a well known one. These projects will be due the last week of the month.

Don’t forget that this Saturday is the Gala. You can purchase tickets online at https://squareup.com/store/mapa-9 or MAPA will be at the school during these times:

· Wed March 14 3:00-4:00 pm

· Thu March 15 3:00-4:00 pm

Big picture

The Gala is always a lot of fun! The artwork and food is great, but the company there is the BEST! I hope I get to see you all there.

Have a great week!



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