Literacy Night


Snow is here. It is finally feeling like winter; although, it is supposed to start feeling like spring. What crazy weather we have here in Utah.

This week is our annual literacy week. The theme for this year is “Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are.” As a school we will all read the same book. This year the book is called Ishi by Akiko Yabuki. As a class we will decorate our door based on one of our favorite classroom books, the Humphrey books. Some of the students already started on some decorations for the door. The kids are going to draw pictures of Humphrey doing different activities and we will cover our door with them. The spelling bee will be held Tuesday morning. The three students who will be representing our class are Landon, Cody, and Bently. Thursday we held a class spelling bee and these 3 spelled the most words correctly. All who participated did a wonderful job. I am very proud of them all. Literacy night will be Thursday from 6-8 pm. There will be a lot of fun activities and prizes. Please come with your family. The classrooms will have different themes and activities. Visit our class to see Whoville. Friday is Dr. Seuss’s birthday. We will be celebrating Thursday afternoon. Friday we will have a read-a-thon at the end of the day so kids can bring blankets, pillows, and books from home to read and share.

This week our “I wonder…” home projects are due. Please have your child bring them in as soon as they get it completed. You can also start helping them think of March’s project. It will be an artist study on an artist of their choice. They will also need to create a piece of art based on something that artist created. We have been learning about artists in class to help prepare the kids for this project. The artists we have learned about so far are Wassily Kandinsky, Jackson Pollock, Henri Matisse, and James Whistle. We will learn about some more artists, but the children’s artist choice is not limited to ones we have learned about.

Just a look ahead, we will have field trips to the Hill Field museum Friday, April 13, to Discovery Gateway and Clark Planetarium Thursday, April 26, and to the dinosaur park Wednesday, May 2. We always love chaperones so I hope this early notice will give you a chance to come with us.

Have a wonderful weekend.


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