Snow, Finally

Hello All,

We are finally getting snow. The winter storm they kept promising us all day finally hit. I hope you are all able to be safe and warm with your families tonight.

We do not have school tomorrow, the 19th due to President’s Day.

HUGE thank you to everyone who was able to make it to parent teacher conferences. I feel like they were a huge success. I always enjoy meeting with you and getting to know you better. Sara and I feel like to brings us closer not only to you but also to your children. We appreciate your willingness to take time our of your busy schedules to meet with us. We love your children and hope that shows with the work we are doing with them. Thank you to anyone who was able to donate a book to our class.

Thank you to everyone who was able to help with the Valentine party. We had a lot of awesome volunteers who came to help and a lot who were able to donate things to make the party a success. A giant thank you to one of our room mothers, Ms. Darci. She put the whole party together. Be sure to log your volunteer hours into track it forward. Donating something counts towards your hours as well. I will post pictures in another post shortly.

This week will be the spell check test for the spelling bee that is next week. The top 3 spellers from our class will get to go to the school spelling bee that will be held next week.

Please continue to help your child with their “I wonder…” home projects that are due next week.

Thank you for all that you do!



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