MAPA Board  is currently looking for a VP for the remainder of the year who will then become the president for the 2108-2019 school year. Please contact if you or you know someone who would be interested.

Don’t know what MAPA is… it is our schools PTA program. The fall festival, gala, book fairs, teacher appreciation, safety, box tops all happen because of MAPA and we want that all to continue to happen, so keep your eyes and ears open for someone who would do a great job!


We hope you all are enjoying the track it forward program. All events whether it is school wide or for the class room will be through track it forward from now on. There is a way to categorize events by teacher, school wide or both together:

  1. Login to you track it forward account

( if you have not signed up please do so by going here

  1. Click on event sign ups
  2. Click on filter by category (the little blue writing on the sample pictured)
  3. You can then select what categories you want to see the calendar for. For example if you want to see only Ms. Joy’s sign ups click on Ms. Joy. If you want to see just Ms. Joy’s and the school wide events click on both Ms. Joy and school wide. You can do as many as you want.
  4. If you do not see your teachers name on the category selection yet, be patient. They have not yet created an event on the track it forward calendar yet. But there next event will be on there. So keep a watch out:)
  5. Sign up for event and your done. Track it forward will email you a reminder 2 days before the event.


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