Last Week Before Break

Hello All,

Before anything else, I want to publicly thank Ms. Sara for everything she does in our classroom. Twice this week I have had to take a day off for illness for myself and for my child. Both times Sara has taken over and taken it all in stride. It is so wonderful to know that when I am unable to be there, she is and that your children will all be loved and well taken care of. Our classroom functions as well as it does because of all Sara does.

This is the last week before we have our winter break. We will have music and P.E. Monday. We are finally getting some snow, so please make sure your child has good shoes for indoor running along with any boots they might wear. Also, we will be going outside for recess, so please make sure your child is dressed appropriately.

The International Festival is this week. Jr. High will have their presentations in the gym Tuesday afternoon. Upper el will have their presentations in their classrooms Wednesday morning. Our International Presentation will be Thursday afternoon from 1 – 2:30. You are all invited to come tour our classroom and the other classrooms and learn different things from all around the world. I know that many home projects have already been brought in. Please have them turned in by Monday so that the children can practice presenting to the class before the festival. Also, if they want to share a food, please provide enough for the class and they will share it with the class not with the whole school. We have 29 children in our class. I look forward to seeing all the presentations.

Thursday will be our last day of school before the break. We will not have school Friday and we will have all of next week off and January 1 and 2. We will return to school Wednesday, January 3.

This last week we started learning about holidays not commonly celebrated where we live. The kids are learning more about them in groups and will present what they learn to the class. This is a way for them to learn more about our world and the different cultures and celebrations that everyone has.

I hope you all enjoy the snow.



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