Nutcracker Field Trip

Hello Everyone,

Monday is our Nutcracker field trip. We will be leaving for the ballet at about 11:15 after we meet the parent drivers at North Shore. The ballet will last about 1 hour and 45 minutes. After it gets over we will meet the parent drivers and come back to school for the rest of the day and you can pick your children up like normal. If you are taking and picking up your own child, you can also meet us at North Shore or just pick them up at the school. Since we will be leaving before lunch, we will have an early lunch at about 10:30ish. We will them have a snack when we return from the ballet. Because this is a fancy type event, the children can wear best dress, such as a dress or skirt for girls and a dress shirt with a tie for boys. If they choose to wear best dress, it does not have to be in school uniform. The dresses don’t need a collar and can have a design and the boys shirts can have stripes or something of the sort. Please email me with any questions.

If you have not signed your child up for a ride and they will need one, please do so immediately. Here is the link

We have had some wonderful home project presentations this past week. If you child has not bee able to bring theirs in yet, please send it next week. We would still love to see what they have made and learn from them. I will create a second post with picture of all the fun projects we have had that I was able to take before some were taken home.

Next week is also our holiday feast. Throughout the next couple of weeks, we will be learning about the many holidays that take place around this time of year such as Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa. This feast is to celebrate all holidays that everyone celebrates. The feast will be Friday, December 8th in the school’s gym. We will start setting up at 11 and plan on eating at 11:30. The feast will last roughly an hour, after which, we will clean up and go home. This is a half day so the school day will end at 1 p.m.  If you have signed up to bring something, please send it with your child, bring it when you come, or just make sure it is there at 11:15. Thank you in advance. Here is the sign up link if you haven’t had a chance to sign up and would like to:

Lastly, the school’s International Festival is coming up the week of December 18th. This is a chance for your child to display a home project based on the continent we have been studying, not just for our class but for the whole school and any family members that come. Jr. High will be presenting in the gym on Tuesday the 19th, upper el will be presenting in classrooms on Wednesday the 20th in the afternoon, and lower el will be presenting Thursday, the 21st from 1 to 2:30. I would like the projects turned in the Friday before if possible, December 15, so the students can start practicing their presentations in front of the class.
The continent we have been studying and learning about is Asia. Your child will need to choose something about Asia (a country, a landmark-man made or natural, an animal, etc) to create a home project on. Many students choose to create a tri-fold presentation board with some information and pictures. However, they can create a diorama, a sculpture, or anything else they would like to. For this project, I do not recommend a power point as sometimes a laptop to present it is not available. They can also bring any props that they may have. If your child chooses to bring a food to share, this year I am requesting that they bring enough for the class and share the food when they present to the class before the actual international festival. Please do not send toothpicks to be used to serve the food. Feel free to email me with any questions.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend and that we get snow soon.

Thanks for all you do!


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