It’s November


I cannot believe it is November already. We hit our 50th day of school on November 1st. We had a fun and busy week with the Halloween holiday. Tuesday morning we got together with Ms. Kirsten’s class and made “x-rays” of our hands and learned about our skeletons as a tie in to Halloween. I will include another blog post with pictures of this activity. Tuesday afternoon we had our class Halloween party. Thank you to all who were able to come or to donate things for the party. It was a lot of fun and turned out really well. The kids had a good time and I was able to just float around the room, enjoy the kids, and take pictures. I will include these pictures in the other post as well.

We have been working hard on our narrative writing. Level 3s have been typing their’s up on Utah Compose. We will be using this site a lot for level 3 writing. This grades their essays for spelling, grammar, voice, etc. It allows them to pre-write and create many revisions as they work on bettering their writing skills. They can use this at home as well.

We have also introduced level 1s and 2s to a program called Imagine Learning. This is a site they can use at home and school. We are using this to help with literacy. The kids loved both of these programs and I hope to have them all on them at least once a week and as much at home as you are comfortable with. We will also be using a site called prodigy that aligns with the math common core. All the logins and information for these sites will be sent home and available to you all later this week.

This Friday, November 10, is a half day for teacher professional development. Please make sure your child is picked up by 1 p.m. The school gratitude feast for the community will be Thursday, the 16th. When I get more information and sign ups for donating food, I will let you know. Our class doesn’t do a gratitude feast. We will be having our holiday feast to celebrate all holidays in November and December on Friday, December 8th. This is a half day and our feast will go from about 11 to 1. We love for all parents and other family members to join us. Put this on your calendars and the week after Thanksgiving break I will ask for names of anyone able to attend.

Our next home project will be due the last week of November. This project will be a small diorama of an animal’s habitat. The diorama can be made using a small shoe box or a bigger box, or anything you and your child would like. Along with showing the diorama, students should be able to tell us a little about the animal like what they eat and some behavior. They should also be able to tell us about their habitat, like if it is a tropical rain forest, tell us about the rain forest and what is it like.

Thank you for all your support.

Take care.


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