
Just a few reminders and updates for this week. We switched our P.E. day this week from Monday to Tuesday, so please make sure your child has good shoes for running Tuesday. This is only for this week. Next week we will be back to our Monday schedule.

Thursday is the International Day of Peace. We will be getting together with Ms. Kirsten’s class early this week to create some art work to celebrate and have them hung up on the wire hangers at the front of the school.

This Saturday is the 5K color run. If you have not signed up to participate in that, please do. It is always a lot of fun and you don’t even have to run it. I always walk it. The proceeds benefit our whole school and you can pay to have a pancake breakfast afterwards.

Also this Saturday in the afternoon we will be having a class back to school party. Cody’s parents, Joel and Debbie, have offered to host this party. They have beautiful property that their house sits on with a stream, tree house, zip line, sandbox, and lots of space for the kids to play and have fun. Please come and stay. This will give you a chance to meet some of the other parents and kids and get to know the teachers better. If you are able to, please bring a snack or drink to share. Siblings are welcome to attend but you will need to watch your little ones since there is the small stream. The party will be from 2-4 p.m. The address is 2220 Fruitland Drive, North Ogden. Please email me with any questions you might have.

Next week our first home project of the year is due. Students can bring it in anytime during the week. If they finish it sooner, they can bring it in before that. As a brief reminder, it is a picture presentation titled “I Wonder…” for the kids to pick any topic they want and present what they have learned to the class.

Ms. AmyJo, a teacher who is in our room part of the week, taught us a wonderful lesson on plants and how their stem is used to transport water. We filled different cups with different colors of water and placed a leaf of cabbage and a white carnation flower in each on. In some we split the stem of the flower and placed them in two. Over a couple days we observed the flower and cabbage change colors. the ones with the split stem had a different color on each side.

This week we will be doing many more works during work cycle as more lessons are given and our assessments to help us know what works to place each student on get wrapped up. We will also be learning about zoology in cultural this week.

As the weather gets cooler, please be sure to make sure you child is dressed appropriately and has a jacket. We will be going outside to recess everyday

Last of all, we are in need of a room mother for this year. Our room mother last year did an amazing job and is willing to be the assistant room mother now. She will gladly help the new room mother as she takes on this role. The main things the room mom will be in charge of are class parties and car pools for field trips. If you are interested or have any questions about this, please let me know.

Thanks for all you do.


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