September Home Project

Hello All,

I hope you are enjoying your weekend. Thank you to all who could make it to back to school night. We missed seeing those of you who weren’t able to come. I have created pages for the forms that I provided for back to school night at the top of the blog. There is a parent open house form with a overview of our class including a schedule, a year at a glance with important dates, and a family survey for us to get to know your student better. The home project form is an overview that gives a brief description of the project and the due dates. More information about each one will be provided as the projects get closer.

On that note, our first official home project is due this month. This home project is an I wonder project. Students will provide a picture presentation based on what they have researched and learned on something they are curious about and would like to know more about. Please help your students research and provide pictures based on what they would like to share. Help them do their best to share whatever they can remember without having to read lengthy paragraphs. The pictures can have brief descriptions and students can use note cards if needed. Home projects are meant to help the children learn to research and present what they learn. I feel that helping them memorize and share small bits of information that they can remember is more beneficial to them and the other students than reading lengthy amounts of information. This also helps their presenting skills as they share in front of their classmates. Please email me with any questions you might have.

We started with our cultural lessons this week; however, we were not able to get to as much as I would have liked this week so we will continue with our cultural history lessons this week. We are still in the process of doing assessments with many of the students so we can have them working on the correct works. We will be doing the assessments during work cycle this week along with our works.

Tomorrow is the day that we have P.E. Please make sure your child has shoes that are comfortable for running in, such as tennis shoes. They do not have to wear these to school but can just be brought to school in their backpack.



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