Labor Day Week


I hope you have all had a good Labor Day weekend and enjoy your day off tomorrow. Just a reminder that we do not have school tomorrow do to Labor Day. We will be back in school on Tuesday.

We started doing a short work cycle this past Wednesday. We only gave the kids a couple works and did a few lessons to get them all ready for this next week when we will do a longer work cycle and more lessons. By the end of normalizations, each child will have at least 5 works they can work on during work cycle.

We finished up our great lessons. As an extension of the coming of life, we learned about the 5 kingdoms that all living things are divided into and created our own charts to show some of the things that lived in each one. We made cave paintings on brown paper when we learned about the history or writing, and created math problems using our own made up number system or one from another culture.

This week we will be doing more practical life, grace and courtesy, team building, and we will also start doing our cultural lessons. This week we will be doing history. Level 1s will start learning about time and the length of days; level 2s will have a continuation from the creation and learn about things such as matter; and level 3s will start learning about timelines and continue learning about the coming of life and also the time periods.

This Friday is the first day we will have pizza Fridays to help us raise money for the school. Orders for pizza need to be in Wednesday morning. The order forms are on the school blog. The link is here: Each slice is $1.75. The pizza is always cheese pizza.

The annual 5K fundraiser is coming up. This is a great fundraiser for our whole school and can help us with a lot of things. It is always fun! Please sign up and bring your family. I have participated the past 3 years. I always have at least one of my kids with me and I am not a runner so I just walk it. I push a stroller and walk with friends. My daughter rode her bike in it last year. Please join us! You can register online with this link: You can also print out a paper and turn it and the money into the office using this link: There is also a pancake breakfast you can have after the 5K.

Thanks for all you do!


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