May is Here


I cannot believe May is here tomorrow. Four more weeks of school.

I want to extend a HUGE thank you to everyone who was able to on our field trip Wednesday or who helped support other ways. We had a small hiccup when we weren’t allowed back in for free after lunch but I think it all worked out. Thank you all!

Our science home project (for level 1s and 2s and any level 3s who did not present already) can be brought in and presented at any time. The last day for students to bring these in and present these will be Friday the 19th. The criteria for this will be a visual presentation used to teach and show understanding of the topic and an oral presentation where they explain to everyone what is happening. This does not have to be something complicated. We had an awesome presentation Friday by a student who showed how mixing baking soda and vinegar in a water bottle can inflate a balloon. It was simple and she was able to explain to us what was happening and why the balloon inflated. If you have any questions, please let me know.

Parent teacher conferences are coming up the last week of school. The last week of school will be the week of the 22. This week everyday, Monday – Friday, will be early outs, so the students will get out at 1 p.m. Monday the 22, Tuesday the 23, and Wednesday the 24, will be parent teacher conferences. They will start at 1:40 p.m. and go until 7 p.m. in 20 minute increments. These will be mainly student led so plan on our child being there with us. We have been working on things for them to present to you. Here is the sign up link:

This month is a busy month. We will be starting the DIBELS (reading) testing this week. Please make sure your child gets plenty of sleep and eats a good breakfast. We will also be doing other reading and math end of year assessments. The last day for Boxtops store this year is Tuesday, the 16th. Field day for lower el will be the morning of Friday the 19th.  Early childhood bridging is the 23rd, at 11 a.m. and 3rd grade bridging is the 24th at 10:30 a.m. I will have more info on this for level 3 parents as it gets closer.

Level 3s will be shadowing in our mentor class this week. All our level 3s will shadow in Ms. Kirsten’s class. This does not mean they will be in that class next year. This just allows them to experience a day with upper el to help with the transition into next year. They will spend a whole day sometime this week in her class with a mentor buddy.

Thanks for all you do!


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