P.E. Tomorrow

Just a reminder that we have P.E. tomorrow. Please make sure your child has good shoes for running in, whether it be in their backpack or if those are the shoes they wear to school.

I sent home new word sorts today for most of the kids. They kids are in new groups based on a recent assessment I gave them. Please have your child cut out and sort the words into the right groups. This is the second week they have done these words so they should know what groups they go in. It is also beneficial to have them spell them as these are the words we use for spelling.

I also finally sent home the take home readers for the students who have them. I apologize that I missed basically an entire month of them. They will be coming home every week from now on.

We didn’t get a chance to draw names for the president reports today. We will do that tomorrow and I will send home a paper with the name of their president and a basic outline for them. They can present it any way they choose following the guidelines I will give. These are due to be presented the week of February 27. This is also Literacy week so wee will get to as many a possible during that week.

The school spelling bee is Tuesday, February 28. If your child is interested in participating, let me know and I will email you a copy of the lists and/or send home a hard copy. We have some pretty good spellers in our class and hope that some of the students will participate.

Lastly, starting tomorrow, I will need a doctor’s note to keep your child inside from recess. It is warming up some, and while I know that this is Utah and that doesn’t mean anything, we don’t take the kids outside when it is too cold. We also won’t take them out when the air quality is bad. Please provide a doctor’s note is your child needs to stay inside from recess.

Have a great evening.


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