Field Trip Forms

Happy Saturday.

Yesterday I sent home the permission slips for our field trip this Wednesday morning. The blue paper is for you to keep. It has all the info you need about the field trip including who to call or email if your child needs a ride. The white paper needs to be initialed and signed by you and signed by your child. We will be going to the Ogden Nature Center in the morning from 9 to 11. Please have your child there at 8:45 in warm clothing-boots, snow pants, gloves, hat, coat as we will be outside. Your child will need to be picked up and taken back to the school at 11.

If you can attend with us, please let me know. If you are able to take children to and from, please email me no later than Monday morning.

If your child did not get a permission slip, I will send one home Monday or you can print your own out. I will post one on the blog later tonight. These need to be in by Tuesday morning.

It is supposed to warm up this week so hopefully it will be a fun experience for all. If the snow stays, we will get to go snow shoeing.

I will have another post with information about other things tomorrow.

Stay warm.


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