Holiday Feast

Don’t forget that this Friday is the holiday feast from 11:30-12:30 with Ms. Kirsten’s class in the gym. If you can help set up please come at 11. That day, the 9th, is also a half day. School will get out at 1 p.m.

The international festival is the 19th and 20th. We have been studying North America so your child’s home project will need to be on something to do with N. America. As soon as the home project is done your child can bring it in and present it to the class for practice. I would like them no later than Friday, the 16th.

20161117_141112_resizedThis picture is a little late, but it is of the acrostic poem we made in class for Veteran’s Day.

20161128_143805_burst01_resized 20161128_143818_resized 20161128_143827_resizedThese are some of our family tree home projects.

20161201_144238_resized 20161201_144243_resized  20161201_144311_resizedHere are the kids doing some art projects with Ms. SarahJo.

Have a great week!


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