International Festival


I hope you all had a wonderful, safe Thanksgiving. I can’t believe that December is next week. How fast time flies.

If your child did not get their family tree/biography home project done before the break, please help them complete it so they can bring it as soon as possible. Our next home project will be for the International Festival. This is a school wide celebration of all the continents, cultures, people of the world. Upper elementary will be presenting the morning of Monday, December 19, and lower elementary will be presenting the afternoon of Tuesday, December 20. Junior high will present during both of these times. The students will set up their presentations in our classroom and parents, grandparents, and other students visit the different classrooms and learn about the things the students have studied and prepared. Since we have been learning about North America/Central America this first part of the year, your child will need to do a presentation on something related to this continent. It can be on a state, country, animal, etc. A few things that should be included are the title of the presentation, students name, a flag (if applicable), the geographic location/map (if applicable), pictures, and for this one a few brief written descriptions would be fine. Visual aids are encouraged. We encourage the students to be creative with this but from past experience, I have found that power points are not the best choice for this presentation. These home projects will need to be done and brought to school by Friday, December 16. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

We will be having our holiday feast on Friday, December 9 from 11:30 to 12:30. If you or any family members will be attending, I need to know by this Wednesday, December 1, so a sign up for food can be made. If I do not hear from you, I will assume you are not coming.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Take care.


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